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Free QR Code Scanner

We suggest you download our QR code scanner. It is completely free and supports all QR code formats.


Free app

We offer you free use of QR scanner. Just download our app and scan your QR codes

Safe QR

Use QR reader is absolutely safe. We support all security and anonymity protocols for you.

Scan history

The history of your scans is integrated into QR Scanner for iPhone


Get Free QR Code Scanner Today


Arahan penggunaan:

if you want to add new block, just press
Tambah blok

In order to edit an existing block, you just need to click on it . Di tetingkap yang muncul, buat perubahan mengikut keinginan anda

Untuk menghapus blok, klik padanya dan klik pada butang hapus

Untuk menukar susunan blok - hanya tarik blok yang ingin anda pindahkan, dan lepaskan di tempat di mana anda mahu meletakkan blok