Store Landing Page

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How to create the best shop landing page?
Shop landing pages are the best tool to help you sell your products and increase your income. You can use this tool to sell products that are popular with people (clothes, baby products, cosmetics, jewellery, health supplements, natural products, weight loss devices).

Mostly, landing pages are created to promote just one product, but you can create one for your entire shop as a supplement to your main website. We will give you some recommendations and examples of such pages.
The beginning is the most important
At the top of the page place the name of your online shop and the unique selling propositions. The latter should be concrete and bright. Don’t use vague phrases for it, use numbers and facts, for example more than 10 000 clients love our products. Your propositions should represent what exactly you sell and how it will help your clients.
Place some products

The one page for a store shouldn’t turn into the catalogue of your products. This is a task of your main website. That’s why it will be enough to place a couple of products and to describe them in several sentences. Choose the best products of your company and take professional pictures of them. Don’t give detailed descriptions, better write the phone number for the consultation, it will help to persuade a client completely.

Use real reviews
Your shop page should include some reviews of people who have already tried your products. Don’t publish fake information, it’s bad for your reputation and your clients will know about your cheating for sure. Where to find reviews? Ask your clients to share their opinion after buying something. To convince them you can offer a discount for the next purchase. Ask permission to use their photos from social media, it will make the reviews more persuasive and sincere.
Place your advantages

They should be in the middle of your page approximately. Bear in mind: «the company that develops very fast» and «a lot of positive reviews» aren’t advantages. Use strong facts about your company that will help to convince your clients. You can call the number of your specialists, the number of products, the years of your work. Try to stand out from your competitors. Tell your clients about free and convenient delivery, about ways of payments. Use something that other companies don’t have. Better use lists to make the information more convenient to read.

Work on the design
One online shop page with an attractive design will do the trick. Follow current design trends and use your own style. For example, you can choose colours like in your logo. Put an emphasis on prices, information about discounts and your benefits. These points should be visible.

The same goes for call-to-action buttons, place them in several parts of your branding so that the customer can buy something at any time. Don't use a lot of colours and graphics, which will make your design look cluttered and uncomfortable. Choose colours that are relevant to your products. For example, it is better to choose calm shades for children's products, green for healthy products, pink will do for women's devices and cosmetics.
Publish your contact information

A landing page for a shop is ideal for spontaneous and quick action. But sometimes your customers have questions. So put a phone number and social media buttons at the end of the page so that a person can contact you and consult. Remember that some people like to call, while others prefer to text their questions. Give them all these options.

On our websites you will find many examples and templates of landing pages for shops. These templates include a set of tools and details that you only need to fill in with your information. In this way, you can create a landing page for an online shop from scratch without any special skills.